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Dreidel palooza - Most Dreidels Spun Guinness World Record

A pair of Yeshiva University students are hoping their school is tops - for at least one night.The duo devised "Dreidelpalooza," their bid to break the world record for most people simultaneously spinning the four-sided Chanukah tops - while raising much-needed scholarship money for fellow students."People are really excited. They think it's cool," said Jason Katz, whose group Students Helping Students will benefit from the dizzying display."It's something everybody who's involved can tell their kids, tell their grandkids - I was part of a world record."Katz and fellow junior Fiona Guedal

Tornadoes - Indian Army Police set World Record

Tornadoes - the Motor Cycle Display team of the Army Service Corps (ASC) on Sunday broke two world records by being the only team in the world to achieve a distance of 1,100 metres with 54 persons on a single moving 500 CC Enfield motorcycle by covering a distance of 925 metres.The team smashed the record set by the Corps of Military Police team which carried 48 persons on a single moving 500 CC motorcycle recently in Bangalore.The Tornadoes was raised in 1982 after its stupendous display of daredevilry during the 1982 Asian Games and since then the team has rewritten various records.At on

Disability – So What? (16 Photos)

Jessica Cox suffered a rare birth defect and was born without any arms. None of the prenatal tests her mother took showed there was anything wrong with her.And yet she was born with this rare congenital disease, but also with a great spirit. The psychology graduate can write, type, drive a car, brush her hair and talk on her phone simply using her feet.Ms Cox, from Tuscon, Arizona, USA, is also a former dancer and double black belt in Tai Kwon-Do. She has a no-restrictions driving license, she flies planes and she can type 25 words a minute.

Enthusiastic Salesman

A new vacuum cleaner salesman knocked on the door on the First house of the street.A tall lady answered the door.Before she could speak, the enthusiastic salesman barged into the living room and opened a big black plastic bag and poured all the cow droppings onto the carpet."Madam, if I could not clean this up within 5 minutes with the use of this newpowerful Vacuum cleaner, I will EAT all this dung!" exclaimed the eager salesman."Do you need chilly sauce or ketchup with that" .asked the lady.The bewildered salesman asked, "Why, madam?""There's no electricity in the house..." said the lady

HDR Photography By Peter Walke

Here are the beautiful and amazing HDR photographs from the photographer Peter Walker.  Peter Walker was born in Leeds, England in 1957. At the age of eight he migrated with his family to Queensland, Australia. These early years were spent in the sun, sand and surf of the beautiful Queensland coast. Peter studied chemistry at QIT and computer technology at CDI.Author : Peter Walker

Amazing facts-World's largest pool

World's largest poolAlready drawing the crowds in the South American resort of San Alfonso del Mar in Chile, this artificial lagoon and swimming pool is eight hectares in size and contains an incredible 250,000 cubic meters of water.Acknowledged by Guinness World Records as being the world’s largest swimming pool, the lagoon trounces all other record holders in the category, including the Orthlieb pool in Casablanca, Morocco, itself a huge 150 meters by 100 meters – the San Alfonso pool is 1km in length.

Amazing Alpine Park Lake

Rest your weary sea legs: Divers explore pristine alpine park that turns into a lake for half the year The emerald green waters of this mountain lake offer some of the most unique diving in landlocked Austria.On the bed of the lake underwater explorers will discover fish swimming though the branches of trees, a floor covered in grass, benches, bridges and a landscape that looks like it belongs overground.And that's because for half of the year it is over ground. Underwater park: A diver thinks about a sit down beneath the Green Lake Changing of the seasons: Above photo shows, how the

Underclothes to Protest TSA X-Ray Scanners (17 Photos)

If you don’t like the idea of the introduction of TSA X-ray scanners in airports, you can protest with these underwear and undershirts with 4th Amendment metallic ink-prints.
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